Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Happy Hump Day!

I can't think of a better way to say happy hump day is staring donating passing glimpses at someone's crotch.
No but seriously OK GO and they're wonderful inventiveness for dance and talent (like you haven't seen this video already! It was a SENSATION when it came out) has teamed up with Google Chrome and Pilobolus, "the Connecticut-based company of choreographers and dancer-athletes committed to developing three original works each year." OR the people you see pictured above doing CRAZY  unmentionable poses with their bodies and getting insanely paid for it. Now that I think about it, I'm sure they were the people on one of those viamin commericals with the antiacids and mess. but they're INSANELY good dancers. You simply have to watch them in action creating advertisement for Hyundai, or in this case your loved ones.

So, as I said earlier OK GO has teamed up with Google Chrome and the insane dance people of Pilobolus (which seems so right, once you've watched OK GO on treadmills) to make an interactive music video for their song "All is Not Lost". The video has been dubbed a "Chrome Experiment" because of its witty programming usage of Google Chrome to captivate the eyes with moving dances, and automated windows.
 It takes a while to upload (there's always a downside right?), because you have like 15 windows automatically opening, BUT this definitely captured my scatter-brain attention. Which says A LOT! I STRONGLY suggest for everyone to watch it. Especially if you already have Google Chrome - if you do not, there is a "Watch in Chrome" feature, which you should. I'm sure it's better that way.
But if you don't believe me, you can always look for yourself.

Here is the link for the personal video I sent to my OK GO loving sister, Mia.
Have a WONDERFUL hump day :)

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